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Everything we offer, from our programs to our private sessions, revolves around the central theme of empowering your Life through the energy of LOVE. Our classes are designed with the intent to help people to become conscious creators of their own lives. Some of the topics we explore include metaphysics, spirituality, connecting to Source, healing, energy, creation and raising human consciousness. We focus on LOVE because it IS the energy of LIFE, the Force that powers all of Creation.
In our programs, you will learn that Love energy encompasses so much more than the love we share through relationships. The amount of happiness, health and abundance that we experience in our lives is related to the amount of LOVE flowing through us.
We will show what to do when you are out of balance feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Sometimes, LIFE can be frustrating and seem like a never-ending struggle. You can feel powerless to do anything about it. But while you may not be able to control everything happening in your life, you can absolutely learn how to change your experience of it. In our programs, we teach you the techniques to help you stay centered in LOVE where you can find peace, tap into your own wisdom, make better decisions and use the energy of LOVE to create the life you desire.
Learning how to tap into the Energy of LOVE also involves learning how to love ourselves. For most people, this usually involves the process of embracing, forgiving and healing themselves. There are many ways to do this, and we can help you find the path that works best for you. Only when we truly love ourselves can we fully align our essence to Source (LOVE) Energy and access the joy that flows from unconditional Divine Love.
Most of our programs assume that all attendees have some understanding of the concept and practice of meditation and share the desire to be more loving individuals to bring joy to themselves and others.
Descriptions coming soon for the following programs:
Heal Yourself – The Magic of Mastering Energy
Learning to Listen and Understand Messages from your Body
Understanding and Overcoming the Energies of Fear
Wisdom of the Avatars – Understanding Human Divinity
The Way of the Avatar – Living Your Divinity
The Golden Rule of the Common Good – What Would LOVE Do Now?
Sourceful Living© 2022 All rights reserved | Copyright Policy | Privacy Policy